
Discover Neck Lift Surgery Near Rockville, MD for a Youthful Transformation

Discover Neck Lift Surgery Near Rockville

Have you noticed your neck is beginning to show signs of aging? Loose skin, weakened muscles, and also accumulated weight can bring about what’s often referred to as “turkey neck.”

If you are thinking about a neck lift surgery near Rockville, MD, you are on the road to a much more youthful look!

What Does Neck Lift Surgery Involve?

A neck lift is designed to freshen your look by dealing with sagging excess fat, muscle separation, and skin. This in-depth procedure sculpts muscles and also eliminates surplus skin, leaving you with a firmer, more defined neck.

Tiny incisions are created under the face and close to the ears. The doctor might either tighten up or even eliminate parts of the neck muscle. Complementary procedures such as liposuction could also be used to remove extra fat, enhancing the contour of the neck.

What to Expect During Recovery

Recovery after a neck lift surgery near Rockville, MD calls for some perseverance and careful post-operative care.

Directly after the surgery, you might experience moderate discomfort. You will use a compression bandage for a minimum of one week, along with drainage tubing that could be positioned to control extra fluids.

Bruising and swelling are typical but generally subside within one to two weeks. Keep your neck and head as still and as elevated as possible above your heart to reduce swelling.

Many people are able to go back to work after seven days, although those in physically demanding work might need three to four weeks.

Schedule Your Consultation Today for Neck Lift Surgery Near Rockville, MD

Here is the bottom line: Your neck does not need to reflect your age when surgery is available to allow you to feel more youthful and such amazing results are within reach!

Contact Capital Facial Plastic Surgery at 240-630-8175 to begin your journey towards a revitalized look!