Reset Your Skin with a Chemical Peel

Are wrinkles, fine lines, or dull skin affecting your appearance and self-esteem? If so, you should consider a chemical peel treatment to remove the outer layer of skin and reveal a younger-looking, smoother appearance. Depending on the type of chemical peel you have performed, you can often experience results ranging from noticeable to dramatic. Here is more information on chemical peels and how to tell if this treatment is a good choice for you.
What are Chemical Peels?
Chemical peels use a solution to remove the outer layers of skin that have become damaged due to sun exposure, environmental hazards, and the everyday effects of aging. They have been used in the aesthetic industry for more than 100 years and have continued to evolve to produce better results with fewer issues post-treatment. Non-surgical and minimally invasive, chemical peels are ideal for those who want a rejuvenated look without the high cost or a lengthy recovery.
How are Chemical Peels Performed?
Chemical peels at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery are performed in-office and occur in three stages. The first stage is to cleanse the skin and remove surface dirt and oils. This allows the peel to penetrate the skin evenly and effectively. The second step is to apply the chemical solution. Dr. Singleton brushes it onto the skin and leaves it there for a few minutes. Sometimes more than one application is required to achieve the desired results. This is the only part of the process where you may feel a bit of activity on the skin such as tingling or coolness. The deeper the peel, the more likely you are to feel these sensations. The third step involves correction and protection, and it’s where additional serums and moisturizers are applied to the face to complete the process.
After the peel has been completed, the surgeon will let you rest for a few minutes and answer any questions you might have about the process. Afterward, you will be free to leave the office and resume your normal schedule. Some peeling and redness can occur after your treatment, but usually downtime is minimal and most patients experience no downtime.
What Are the Types of Chemical Peels?
Dr. Singleton’s office uses PCA Skin chemical peeling products. PCA Skin has been a leader in peels for over 20 years, and are extremely effective at obtain clearer, smoother skin with minimal downtime. Depending on your needs, skin type, and desired results, Dr. Singleton offers three different types of PCA peels.
Jessners Peels
Jessners Peels is a combination of multiple alpha hydroxy acids and resorcinol and is used as a superficial peeling agent. Only the outer layer of skin is removed with a light exfoliation. This is a good peel to treat acne, mild wrinkles, dryness, or uneven pigmentation. Those who get Jessners peels often have them repeated every month or two as they are gentle and require little to no downtime. For patients with hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration, peels utilizing skin lightening products like hydroquinone can be used.
Superficial TCA
The superficial TCA peel, such as the Sensipeel and Ultrapeel from PCA, is another light peel that is popular with patients who have acne and recurrent breakouts. Though redness and skin irritation may occur with this peel, these side effects to fade after the first day, and most patients return to work the same day. The more advanced Ultrapeel Forte reaches a slightly deeper depth and may result in more pronounced post-peel redness and peeling.
Retinol peels
The deepest peel offered by Dr. Singleton is the superficial to medium depth Retinol peel. This is the most aggressive peel used at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery and is used for patients with skin concerns such as acne scarring, deeper wrinkles, or uneven skin tone. This peel removes the epidermis and can penetrate into the dermis. Somy patients report it feels like having a deep sunburn. This peel involves the most recovery time, but most patients still resume their daily activities within a day or two after treatment.
After Chemical Peels
Most patients experience little to no downtime, and any redness or peeling is resolved after 2-3 days. All patients that undergo a chemical peel at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery receive a skin care package for the post-peel recovery time period. Most patients can resume their normal skin care routine about 1 week after their peel. It is recommend that patients that undergo a peel have a solid skin care regimen to follow, and at Capital Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Singleton can teach and demonstrate what the regimen should be.
How Do You Know if a Chemical Peel is Right for You?
Chemical peels are excellent choices for those who want a younger, more even skin tone without undergoing an invasive procedure or having a lot of downtime. In some cases, it may not be appropriate for those who are taking some types of medications or those with excessive skin sagging. When you consult with Dr. Singleton about your skincare goals, he will walk you through the process, talk to you about your health history, and examine your skin. Together, you can decide if a chemical peel is a right option for you or if you would benefit more from a different treatment that Dr. Singleton offers.
If you are interested in learning more about the three different types of chemical peels offered in Dr. Singleton’s office, and if one might be right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Singleton today to find out more.