
Treatments That Complement a Mini Facelift

If you notice the appearance of excess skin along your jawline or you have a somewhat loose, flabby skin under your chin, you may be a good candidate for a mini facelift surgery. Basically, a mini lift shares the same premise as that of a full or traditional facelift. The only difference is that the treated area is smaller, and the extent of skin sagginess or looseness is milder or more moderate compared to the advanced skin laxity that a full facelift targets.

But you may appreciate the fact that the incisions are smaller (usually along the hairline from the ear and then under it), and there is less scarring as well.

Are there treatments that can enhance results from a mini facelift?

Yes, there are several facial treatments that can enhance the results of your mini lift. Some of these are non-invasive and non-surgical, and some are minimally invasive and surgical. If you’re interested in fully rejuvenating your facial skin, here are a few treatments you may want to consider to complement your mini lift results:

1. Brow lift

A brow lift, sometimes also called forehead lift, is a surgical procedure designed to lift sagging or droopy eyebrows. A traditional and a mini facelift only targets the lower parts of the face, leaving the forehead, eyebrows, and eyelids unchanged. A brow lift is one of the two most common procedures patients usually undergo together with their facelift, whether traditional or mini.

2. Eyelid lift

Like the brow lift, the eyelid lift is performed on patients with droopy or hooded eyelids. There are times when an eyelid lift is advised by the patient’s doctor as the droopy lids affect their line of vision. Typically, however, an eyelid lift is likewise requested by patients undergoing a mini facelift to have the upper part of their face complement the younger-looking lower part of their face.

3. Kybella®

Kybella® is an injectable solution developed for patients who wish to get rid of their double chin. Since a mini facelift only targets the lower third of the face, your double chin may not improve with the mini lift. Kybella® is the ideal treatment for you since it’s non-invasive, and it only takes a few minutes to administer.

Basically, the solution melts submental fat, which is the fat under your chin (known as your submental area). The melted fat will then be naturally eliminated by your body, which is why results aren’t instant. You may have to wait several weeks to see results, and you may also need to schedule at least six sessions for your first treatment.

Are you ready for a mini facelift? Please feel free to call Capital Facial Plastic Surgery at (240) 630-8175 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam E. Singleton, MD. You may also schedule an appointment here.