Will Your Facelift Produce Visible Scars?

There is no reason to be embarrassed about plastic surgery, but that doesn’t mean you want to proudly wear scars after your facelift. Here’s what you need to know about scarring and facelift surgery. Call Capital Facial Plastic Surgery at 240-630-8175 if you have any questions or if you’re ready to schedule your facelift consultation in Washington, D.C.
Will I Scar After Facelift Surgery?
A scar is a mark that can occur on the skin after an injury or cut. They can happen any time the skin is cut or broken open, and that includes facial plastic surgery. Some patients are more prone to scarring than others. Incision care after surgery can also affect the likelihood of a lasting scar.
Any cut can produce a scar, but some are much less likely to leave a visible one. A good plastic surgeon is trained in the art of scar camouflage. They learn how to create thin, precise incisions. They place each incision in areas where the scar will be less noticeable. Incisions are closed using specialized techniques that speed wound healing and reduce scarring. Plastic surgeons also educate their patients in post-surgical incision care. This gives your incisions the best shot to quickly fade and disappear.
We can’t guarantee a scar-free facelift, but our patients are generally very happy with their results. If you’re concerned about scarring, let Dr. Singleton know during your consultation and he can show you real-patient examples of facelift scars so you’ll know what to expect.
How Scars Age
When you first remove your bandages after your facelift, don’t be surprised if your incisions look dark and angry. These fresh incisions still have a lot of healing to do. A dark, raised appearance is normal in the first couple of days and lighten with time. You’ll see sutures holding your incisions closed. These sutures will remain in place for the first couple of weeks after your surgery.
Soon, the dark raised incisions will begin to flatten and lighten. The scars will also become thinner. Red will fade to dark pink, and eventually a lighter pink coloration. It takes time, but eventually your scar will fade to a color close to your skin tone, usually a white color for Caucasian patients. Darker skin can complicate scarring for some patients; Dr. Singleton will provide more information during your consultation if your skin tone is more likely to scar.
Where Are Facelift Scars Located?
Facelift scars are carefully placed to hide any scars that do occur. A traditional incision begins along the hairline and move around the ear. Some patients will need an incision under the chin as well. The hairline transition hides scars well, unless there is balding or thinning hair. Under chin scars are practically imperceptible after healing from a front-facing angle. The shape of the ear helps to hide scars as well.
Minimizing Scarring After Your Facelift
Your plastic surgeon’s skill is a key element to reducing scarring after facelift surgery. Choose a specialty trained facial plastic surgeon; facial surgery expertise is essential for the best results. Dr. Singleton always provides detailed recovery instructions to all facelift patients.
If you want your scars to disappear, you’ll need to do your part. These tips will help minimize scarring after your facelift surgery.
· Don’t Smoke- Nicotine slows healing. Scars are smoother and less visible when healing occurs rapidly. Avoiding tobacco and nicotine products before and after surgery is important for a safe recovery and minimal scarring.
· Take it Easy- Set aside a couple of weeks for healing after your facelift. This doesn’t mean you’ll have to stay in bed all day, every day. You’ll be back to life and completing many daily tasks after just a few days. Having plenty of recovery time ensures that you won’t do too much before you’re ready. Heavy lifting or exercise before you’ve sufficiently healed can open incisions again and complicate healing.
· Avoid the Sun- The sun is a scar’s worst enemy. Sun exposure can darken scars permanently. Cover up, wear a hat, and use sunscreen until your scars are flat and barely visible.
Follow all recovery instructions carefully and get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
Don’t let scar worries keep you from learning more about facelift surgery. Come in for a consultation at our beautiful Washington, D.C. office for answers to all of your questions about facelift scars.